
Three Day Road Character Analysis

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At the start of three day road we assume that Elijah and Xavier are very similar because they have such a close friendship and have the same background.. However when they are put into war we quickly realize that this is not the case. Even though they came from the same background they both experienced a very different childhood, which is lead to believe why they act very differently in the battlefield. Elijah was raised primarily in a residential school where he was subject to abuse. He was taught that his way of living was not right and he was forced to speak english and get rid of he indigenous background. He was sexually abused many times by a nun named Magdalene “who liked to bath him each week when he was a boy.” Elijah told Xavier …show more content…

Elijah does whatever the English men do because he wants to fit in and have a different identity. Xavier however has a high regard for his native beliefs. He is still holding on to his own language and despite being in a war where all his allies speak English he still doesn’t formally try to learn it. He even tries to carry on tradition out there in the trenches. On pg. 81 it says: “Those who aren’t collected we bury as best we’re able in the trench sides when they begin to stink and swell. I make sure to thank them for helping to strengthen the trench line, tell them that even in death they are still helping.” This quote shows us of Xavier’s respect for the dead and that he is still holding on to and carrying out some of the old traditions. Xavier tries his best not to lose the ways of his old people but finds it harder and harder to hold on to. Elijah is different. Even before Xavier taught him how to hunt he went to a residential school. This is where he learned English. Even at a young age he was being taught to be “civilized” in the eyes of the Europeans that came here. This makes him more susceptible to the Europeans culture. At war he drifts farther and farther away from his own people’s culture and closer to that of the people around him. He tries to fit in with the other soldiers and becomes rather close to them. He even goes so far as to start talking in a British accent which he …show more content…

We see this during Xavier and Elijah's actions before and after the war. Xavier tries to push his stress and problems to the back of his head until he forgets about it. He never focuses on the things he is supposed to do and often forgets what happens. Elijah handles the situation a little differently. He likes to share what has happened to him and likes the stories to be heard so they are not forgotten. Compared to Xavier the war is more than just surviving to Elijah, he likes the shooting and killing aspect of it and doesn't think of the repercussions of his actions on the battlefield. Xavier ways of dealing with stress is the way most people deal with it. Try to forget about it and think of something more enjoyable. This keeps him from thinking about the bad issues but it also helps him forget them. He shows that his coping mechanism is successful on page 102 when he says “Maybe Elijah is still over there, Auntie. Maybe the army has kept him there longer.’” Xavier said this after he came back from the war. Elijah was with Xavier the whole time so he should know what happened to him. However because it was such a stressful time Xavier pushed these thoughts to the back of his head and eventually forgot the hard times he had to go through. Also after the attack on Vimy Ridge Xavier later says that he can't remember most of what happened that

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