
Three Life Learned Lessons

Decent Essays

Three Life Learned Lessons
People who hates one will break one, rate one and shake one, they will make one feel unacceptable which makes them weak, but the higher one stand the stronger one is. Although most of us can relate to this problem, many do not know how to appropriately solve this dramatic situation. Discrimination takes a big part in the 1960 novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, which takes a big toll on the main characters. The novel travels with a family that includes a six year old girl named Scout until she is nine, a ten year old boy named Jem until he is thirteen and their father Atticus, who is about fifty years old. The children learn that race discrimination is one of the biggest obstacles during this time period and learn how to overcome it. Scout and …show more content…

Dubose, about life lessons and how the world is a cruel place without love, courage, and respect for others.
Although there is hate all around the world Atticus helps the children to understand the importance of love. Atticus wants the children to understand that, “‘Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird”’(Lee 90). Atticus shows the children how to love the smallest things in life no matter who or what it shall be. He helps them understand that every matter like objects are put on this earth for a reason and should be loved equally. There is no reason to hurt someone physically or mentally, everyone and every object

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