
Three Themes For Spiritual Leadership : Martin Luther King Jr.

Decent Essays

There are several themes that are significant for spiritual leadership. The main three themes that are important in my eyes are calling, servant, and vulnerability. There needs to be a calling on your life to understand the full impact that a person can make on so many lives. Servant is the next important thing to being a great spiritual leader. “Servant leadership is a life filled with humility” (Lecture 8, 2013, par. 8). A person has to be willing to serve anyone and everyone they come across. Lastly, vulnerability is a key component because being humble and willing to stop and listen to the Holy Spirit is very important. “Humility is an ‘essential’ virtue that too many of the faithful forget is essential” (Lecture 8, 2013, par. 8). Martin Luther King Jr. showed these three characteristics during his life time and it will be shared today all of these examples. The leader that is being focused on today is Martin Luther King Jr. he was a representative for a lot of people who thought no one was on their side. “Christian leaders have a unique task in that they serve as a representative of God to a community of God’s people” (Lecture 8, 2013, par. 2). Martin Luther King Jr. was definitely that person during his life time. Martin Luther King Jr. “sought to live the story and meaning of Jesus directly and concretely in the world, in contrast to distorted versions of faith that reduced the consuming demand of the gospel to speak and act on behalf of what Bonhoeffer called the

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