
Three Types Of Native Americans Essay

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ll we know America is a diversity of country. Actually, there were three distinct types of Native Americans that lived in the United States before the invasion of the Europeans. These groups were distinguished based on the time period that they existed, and the similarities in activities. The three types included Paleo-Indians, Archaic Indians, and the pre-Columbian era. In order to understand their differences and similarities, it would be important to discuss each one of them individually, highlighting some of the common traits shared among them. It would also be important to point out some of their differences, as they contributed significantly to the development and evolution of the communities through time. The main difference among the types of Native Americans is the time period that they existed. The first group of Native Americans in the United States arrived during the Paleo-Indian era. They are believed to have arrived in the country approximately 15,000 to 7000 BC ago (Schultz 4). During this time, the people were distributed all across the country and as such, there was a significant …show more content…

All groups were highly mobile, and they lived in extended families of approximately 20 to 60 individuals but as time went by, these bands evolved into tribes (Schultz 5). There were several Native American tribes across the three time periods, which shared the same language and similar cultural beliefs. They also had the same ceremonies for harvesting, rites of passage, and even the initiation of a child into society. These aspects united them as one society, although they did not speak the same language. However, some tribes had an almost similar tongue, and it was easy for them to relate positively unite when they needed to. There were other communities that fought for resources and geographical locations, hence the need for

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