
Three Ways in Which a Business or Corporation and the Government Can Reduce Environmental Waste

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Many parents work to provide their children with the latest gadgets, vacations, and the best education. Ironically, they don’t think about the environmental state that they are leaving their children and grandchildren. Not only would going green leave a healthier environment to their heirs, going green can be financially rewarding providing additional money support other luxuries. The Natural Science Class at Spring Arbor University, challenged me to identify three ways in which I, a business or corporation, and the government can reduce environmental waste. Each solution must contain supporting documentation pertaining to the feasibility, cost, and estimated reduction. The solutions I have identified are:
• Not using plastic …show more content…

The U.S. uses 84 billion plastic bags, out of the 500 billion used worldwide. These facts alone should convince everyone to purchase and use reusable shopping bags. How am I going to incorporate the reusable bags in my household? The reusable bags range in price from $.99 to $5.00 depending on the bags quality and design. To alleviate excuses “I forgot the bags” or “I didn’t go to that store” and “I didn’t have enough bags”, I decided that I would not purchase reusable bags consisting of a stores logo. To avoid my husband not wanting to use re-usable Meijer bags at Kroger, I will purchase Michigan State reusable grocery bags. The most difficult task will be remembering to take the reusable bags when we go grocery shopping or having them with us if we stop to buy a few things on the way home from work. Placing bags between the passenger seat and console will both remind and condition myself and husband to use the recyclable bags rather than the plastic. I am certain this simple solution will become second nature within a few weeks. “They say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." –Andy Warhol
Business or Corporation Environmental Reduction Technology improvements and rising education costs alone justify eliminating text books both economical and environmental friendly. Would providing students an electronic reader ultimately save school districts money

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