
Through My Eyes By Tim Tebow

Decent Essays

Through My Eyes Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow is a book about his life. It started out in the very beginning of his life, right when he was born. He was born in the Philippines in 1987. The reason he was born there was because his family was on a mission trip, but at the same time they were living there, and his mom went into labor. The Tebow’s stayed there for a while longer before they decided to move back to Jacksonville. Tim was three when they returned to their old home, and that was the first time being there. When they arrived, they were met by Richard Fowler, also know as Uncle Dick. Uncle Dick played a big role in Tim’s life along with his older brothers, they were able to go over on Saturday’s and watch television, which they …show more content…

Life on the farm was another major role in Tim’s life, that is where he gained a lot of his strength and also brought Christ into his life. While on the farm, Tim and his brothers often passed time by playing sports, which caused broken bones and injuries. Breaking bones was a part of growing up, according to Tim, he believed all of the rough housing made him stronger. He also believes that’s what made him such a competitor, going against his older brothers almost every day and wanting to win, made him competitive in every kids sport he participated in. This is where he found his love for baseball. Tim and his brothers played baseball all the time. They all enjoyed it and became very good. They played so much that when Tim got into little league, he was the best player on the team. Playing against his brothers also made him a little bit of a bad teammate. He would yell at some of his team to do something better or make the right throw or anything just because he wanted to win so badly. One day he got in trouble for running a player down rather than throwing it to the teammate at the base. The reason was is he wanted to make sure he got out rather than trust his teammate to make the catch and tag

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