
Tim Burton Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Michael Ray Underwood 111
Tim Burton's Style Tim Burton has taken many opportunities as a director to show mood and tone through the way his movies are and different editing techniques. The films viewed included 'Charlie and Chocolate Factory', 'Edward Scissorhands', and 'Big Fish'. Through out the uses of lighting, sound, and editing, Tim Burton creates dark and delightful characters to convey his distinct style.

Firstly, Lighting is a huge and crucial part of the mood and tone of any movie. Low-key lighting which is dark and sinister like mood and always seems to be Burton first choice in lighting most of the time. Tim Burtons lighting techniques are completely original and unlike any others. In 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' there is a lot of low key lighting in and around the house. Very gloomy yet all the family members are up beat and happy. In 'Edward Sissorhands' there is a town in which Peg's town it is bright and cheerful. In fact, the world outside her house seems to be a perfect society. Unfortunately, in reality the town is hateful and doesn't except people who are different very well. Edwards house is very dark and dreary, but Edward himself is frightening …show more content…

The non-diegetic sound creates the mood of each scene. Haunting sounds set the pathway for fear of the characters and maybe even the viewer. During the opening credits of Burtons of 'Edward Scissorhands' creepy sinister music plays. The music and images shown puts the though that something is wrong in the viewers mind. The music basically states that a problem has occurred and during this film at some point it will be solved. Burton also uses sound to create mood. In 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' the Oompa Lumpas sing a song every time a bad kid is taken away. This is a unique way to tell the viewer that something is wrong with the the kid. 'Big Fish' ....3/17 After

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