
Tim Mcgraw Literary Devices

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When reading a poem or listening to a song you see how developed that they are and how hard they are to make. We’re gonna look at the similarities between the song and poem I chose because I feel that they are both just as qreat equally and share a lot of similarities. The song and poem are both equally developed, they both offer a good amount of literary devices like symbolism, euphemism, and rhyme. The first literary device that we are gonna talk about is symbolism. Both of these materials use a lot of symbolism talking about losing a friend and comparing him to something. They compare that friend to a lot of different things giving a non human character human properties. They offer a great amount of it comparing it. In the song Tim Mcgraw compares the memories that he had with his friends to a few things. In the one line he compares the memories he had with his so gone lost friend to gold and how he would miss them. The other time wasn’t as comparing but it was saying that this song was made for him and it was like him. In the poem he used symbolism to show that during his friendship he was covered with coy flattery and was blinded during this …show more content…

It was used a lot in a harsh way towards the people who had written them. Because the writers of these stories had gotten treated harshly towards them from their friends. So through this song they were a little harsh about leaving. In the song by Tim Mcgraw he was talking about how he had to leave his friend. Not because he was a bad friend but because he really didn’t feel it was going to work at that time and he would hope that they would come back together one day. The poem took it a different approach though. In the poem he talked about how his friend was a bad friend and he had to leave him. That he was never there for him and didn’t care about the writer. That the writer had done things for his friend no matter what and he can’t do it

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