
Time And History In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

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Time is our past, present and future, history is our past and circumstance is a result of both time and history. The quote “ I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also much more than that. So are we all,” mentioned in James Baldwin's literary piece “ Sonny’s Blues,” indicates that everyone and everything is a product of time, circumstance and history. Though this is true, we are much more than that because of our ability to go beyond the human condition. Phenomena is a combination of the factors of time, circumstance and history, but every single person and place in the world is more than what is advertised. In other words the past can influence the future, and we can all be much more than what history conditioned us to be. There is history in the places we live, along with the era and setting surrounding that place our lives can be greatly influenced by our settings and can affect the choices we make. However, everyone has a special purpose or talent that enables them to create a history of their own. As Sonny and his brother drive through Harlem they observe the setting where they once …show more content…

What he had failed to do multiple times was listen to Sonny, he never actually tried to listen to Sonny.“They certainly couldn’t throw him out. Neither did they dare to make a great scene about that piano because even they dimly sensed, as I sensed, from so many thousands of miles away, that Sonny was at that piano playing for his life." The narrator knew that Sonny literally played the piano for his life. It was his only path to finding himself and it always was. Music was the one thing that kept Sonny going through all the hard times he faced. It was Sunnys way of expressing himself along with conversing with

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