
Time I Was Judged Unfairly

Decent Essays

Treated and Judged Unfairly There was a time back in grade school when I was people had the unjust judgment of who I am as a person because I was a little different from everyone else. I have always been bigger in size than most people and that hasn’t changed today. I would wear different attire than other people because of the area I grew up in and the size of me. I would also be into hip hop music because of who I grew up with; however, I was the only one that only listened to hip hop because everyone was raised to not listen to the language they spoke in those songs. When I was a kid and didn’t dress or look like everyone else it would be difficult for me to be included in some groups either out of fear by some of the smaller …show more content…

I was unfairly judged when I was a kid and maybe I still am now, despite this, I find myself doing the same exact thing to others by being very shallow which I know I need to

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