
Timing is Critical in Life and Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Timing is critical in life. Being filled with haste can bring success or downfall. For example, making an important decision, like who people marry can end up causing hurt in the long run by regretting decisions or not wanting what their choice was. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet briefly meet at a Capulet party, quickly fall madly in love, and then promptly learn of each other’s identities; however, they also grasp that they are enemies. Romeo and Juliet experience surprisingly quick events that might not be conceivable in a short amount of time; they get married after only knowing each other for a few days, and then, without thinking carefully, they commit suicide for each other. Their careless love for each other is detrimental to many other important people in their lives, like Lord and Lady Montague and Capulet, including themselves. The accelerated time scheme leads to death because R&J make the hasty decision to get married, Tybalt and Mercutio die after a reckless fight, and Lady Montague and Paris suffer a needless death as a result of the deaths of the two lovers. The two are enemies and the marriage could quite possibly end in disaster. When Romeo and Juliet decide to get married, it is very contentious because the Capulets and Montagues bitterly hate each other and have been fighting for a very long time. When on her balcony, Juliet is vowing her love for Romeo, but doesn’t know that Romeo is listening. She is talking about

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