
To Build A Fire Essay

Decent Essays

In the third paragraph of To Build A Fire by Jack London, he writes “He was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in the significances”. The meaning of this line in To Build A Fire is to foreshadow what later occurs and to introduce the theme of this epic tale. This unnamed man is warned about the dangers of the Yukon trail early in the journey by an old-timer who is far more experienced witht the Yukon trail but believes his intellect is no match for any type of danger nature could offer. The dog, however, can sense the trouble that lays ahead in the frozen wasteland and is hesitant to move onward. The fate of the traveler and his dog in To Build A Fire demonstrates the fatal dangers of favoring intellect over …show more content…

His theory is that intellect strives for perfection while instinct strives for repetition. The theory makes perfect sense in the story of To Build A Fire because at the end of the story the dog leaves the man and returns to the camp that he knows is safe. The theory also makes sense for the man because he believes nothing could possible outsmart him which ultimately leads to his own downfall at the end of the story. Mark first starts out by stating that “Instincts are raw energies innate to each species that induce impulses, inclinations and disinclinations, each strongly longing for certain satisfaction and pleasure, and to avoid pain” which gets at the fact that instincts are there to keep the animal alive. Mark refers to instincts as stagnant, primitive, and utterly selfish because instincts are about the one person or animal. When instincts kick in, it is no longer about anything but yourself and how you are going to survive whatever dangerous condition that you are in currently. Intellect and instincts are to opposing forces, intellect being achieved through achievements and instincts being shown through our

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