
To Hell With Dying Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

An Literary Analysis “To Hell with Dying” by Alice Walker
“Poet, novelist, “Womanist’ activist, Spiritualist, animist, and Pulitzer Prize winner Alice Malsenor Walker has been referred to as a “lavishly talented writer’’’(Gates and Appiah as cited in Howard 31). Walker is an “astounding versatility” demonstrating that she is “equally at home with poetry, fiction and a litterateur alone (Howard 33). Walker produced her first children’s book in August 1988. Naming her short story “To Hell with Dying.” The characters are composed of Mr. Sweet, a little girl as the narrator and her family. To Hell with Dying is primarily about Mr. Sweet life history and his guitar being a Symbol of love. Mr. Sweet definitely deserved much needed love from the narrator …show more content…

Sweet is a nice older man, who likes dancing around when he is feeling well. He has a veggie garden that he rarely attends to but loves growing his crops (Walker 131). Mr. Sweet always finds himself near death on multiple occasions. Because he is an older gentlemen drinking everyday is not good for Mr. Sweet. A family friend and neighbor succumb to Mr. Sweet near death experience. Mr. Sweet friend the father of the narrator states “To Hell with Dying” my kids want Mr. Sweet (Walker 129). Ever time Mr. Sweet felt his worst the doctor comes to his rescue. The neighbors would come running as well having a ceremonial event. The narrator the young girl and her brother play and kiss all on Mr. Sweet. Bring a smile onto his face while he was lying in bed during near death moments. The narrator spoke about Sweet being her first love. He always made her feel pretty growing up. Telling her she is his princess (Walker 131). The narrator and her family enjoy listening to Mr. Sweet play his guitar. Playing his guitar is what Sweet excels in marvelously. When he is in great spirit he plays “Sweet Georgia Brown”(Walker 131). The neighbors set in Indian style to listen to Mr. Sweet sing songs with his guitar. His guitar is symbols of love something he deeply cares about. Mr. Sweet feels a since of purpose indulging in his guitar playing. Although at times it maybe away out of life

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