
To Kill A Mockingbird: A Career As A Speech Language Pathologist

Decent Essays

“‘Atticus, he was real nice….’… ‘Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.’” is a dialogue written by Harper Lee that stuck with me after reading To Kill A Mockingbird in high school. Despite physical appearance or intellect, everyone deserves to be valued at their core; what better way to affirm someone than by conversing with them as Scout did with Boo Radley. Thus, my aspiration is to enable a voice to those with communication disorders. This desire to be a speech language pathologist has been influenced by personal and professional exposures to the field. Because of my sister’s Chromosome 18 Ring Syndrome, our family was initially told that Amy would never acquire articulate speech or independent mobility; but a team of physical therapists, audiologists, and speech language pathologists changed Amy’s destiny. Seeing Amy reach her highest potential as a karate brown belt, …show more content…

As a research assistant, I have seen firsthand how researchers like Doctor Torrey Loucks and Doctor Julie Hengst pursue a deeper understanding of communication and develop methods for identification, prevention, and treatment of communication disorders. By attending the University of Illinois, I can continue to participate in these research endeavors and better understand the disorders themselves thereby enhancing my abilities as a practicing clinician. Additionally, I have seen the benefits of my Spanish minor having job shadowed at a bilingual school in Albuquerque, New Mexico and by working at Orchard Downs. I see the struggles of bilingualism and the need for communication therapy and early intervention. Lastly, as president of Operation Smile UIUC, I am exposed to the surgical correction of craniofacial abnormalities and the subsequent therapy for speech

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