
To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, takes place in 20th century Alabama, close to the time of World War II, in a county called Maycomb. Lee uses vivid pictures to display the realities of southern racial tension in the 1930s and 40s, and because the narrative comes from the mind of Scout Finch, the six year-old daughter of Atticus Finch, the narrative innocently portrays the events of the story in a less biased manner than any narrative from an adult’s perspective could. The premise of the story rests around the trial of a young black man named Tom Robinson. Bob Ewell, the father of a poor family who lives behind a dump in the worst part of Maycomb, accuses Tom of raping his daughter Mayella. However, the evidence in the trial clearly points towards Tom’s innocence, yet the people of Maycomb refuse to let him go. Atticus gave a speech to convince the jury of Tom’s innocence, but the jury convicted Tom anyway, defying all reason. Atticus Finch heavily implements emotional appeal in his speech. He says he “[has] nothing but pity in his heart for [Mayella Ewell]. But my pity does not extend so far as to her putting a man's life at stake, which she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt.” Phrases such as “putting a man’s life at stake” remind the jury of the true severity of the situation. Atticus pleads with the jury to “restore this man to his family,” for if the jury sends Tom to jail for whatever amount of time, it will also force Tom’s wife to support his

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