
To Kill A Mockingbird Case 3.07

Satisfactory Essays

1.Charlie read a poem to Patrick, who had already heard it? Bob had already heard the poem. 2.When is Charlie’s birthday? It’s birthday is on December 24th. 3.Why is Uncle Bill the important man in town? Because of him, a lot of people got to get out of the slums. 4.What is a good distraction for Charlie's form his birthday? His distraction is putting out luminaria for the Christmas tradition. 5.Where did Charlie’s brother and Kelly, his girlfriend, met? They met in a restaurant call Ye Olde College Inn. 6.After the fight between Charlie’s sister and brother, what did his dad asked Charlie to do? His father asked him to drive. 7.Why did Charlie’s grandma didn’t cooked cookies this year? Because of her bad hip. 8.When Charlie’s heard the death …show more content…

11.How was he when the police found him? The police found him pale blue and asleep in the snow. 12.What is the doctor said to Charlie’s parent in front of him for the first time? That he should start seeing a psychiatrist again. 13.What position Charlie’s brother football team finish this year? The team finished third in the nation. 14.Charlie’s saw that everyone at school was wearing their new Christmas clothes, so what did he wear? He decided to wear the suit Patrick gave him. 15.Why do Charlie still remembers the movie commercial he saw when he was younger? Because the star of the movie was an actor from M*A*S*H. 16.Craig wasn’t there to play Rocky in the play, who had to replace him? Charlie was the one who played Rocky. 17.What do Charlie really wants? To stop being in love with Sam. 18.What are the two degrees Mary Elizabeth want? She want one one to be political science and the other one to be sociology. 19.Why did Sam had to take Patrick to the dance? Because Crais said to Sam that he was to busy. 20.Why was it weird when Charlie’s sister hugged him? Because he had never hugged her. 21.What is the only thing Mary Elizabeth and her parent like in commun? They both like

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