
To Kill A Mockingbird Characteristics

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Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is regarded as one of the best works in American literature, but does this mean that the book should be considered a timeless classic? This novel is about a young girl named Scout who is growing up in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930’s, a time of extreme racism and discrimination. The story centers around a trial where Scout’s father, Atticus, must defend an African American man accused of raping a white woman. In order for a book to be considered a timeless classic, it must include characters that are both dynamic and relatable to the readers. A dynamic character is one that changes in personality or attitude, making them seem more realistic and authentic. Being relatable is another crucial …show more content…

When Scout comes home after being attacked by Bob Ewell, she tells Atticus and Heck Tate what had happened, explaining that the man in the corner had saved Jem. As Scout looks at him, recognition slowly dawns on her, and she says to him, “Hey, Boo” (362). Boo Radley had always been a mysterious figure in the children’s lives. In the beginning of the novel, the children had heard numerous rumors about the Radleys being evil and frightening, and Scout had judged him based on the stories she heard around town, leading her to think of Boo as a “malevolent phantom” (10). Scout and Jem treated Boo with a fascination, playing mean games and invading his privacy, without stopping to think how he would feel. However, as Scout grew up, she slowly began to understand Boo and the way he acted, and found out that he was actually kind and caring. By saying, “Hey, Boo”, Scout is finally acknowledging Boo as a real person, not just a childhood fantasy, and she is able to see Boo for who he truly is. Her change in perspective demonstrates how much she has matured over the course of the story, which also presents the idea that she is a dynamic character. Scout is relatable, too. When Scout follows Atticus to the county jail, she sees a large group of men approaching him, and without thinking, runs into the crowd. When she realized that one of the men is Mr. Cunningham, someone she knows from previous meetings, she starts a conversation with him, saying,“Hey Mr. Cunningham. How’s your entailment gettin’ along? I go to school with Walter. He’s in my grade and he does right well. He’s a good boy” (205). Completely unaware that Mr. Cunningham was part of a lynch mob intending to kill Tom Robinson, Scout begins to converse with him. By bringing up

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