
To Kill A Mockingbird Coming Of Age Analysis

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The Book, To Kill A Mockingbird, show a journey of hardship, and joyful moment but is also able to show the way growth occurs, with the use of coming of age. This book depicts the lives of two children who both grow in one way or another in their hectic lives. Scout, on of the kids, lives her life like any child would, however it is commonly debated of she does or does not grow in her own ways in the story. It is an important aspect of life as coming of age is important, showing a person’s change over time.In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout does come of age due to a variety of reasons varying from figuring out what kind of person her school teacher was to helping a person she has never really met before.
Scout had grown as an individual and has shown this as she came of age from her experiences. Over time, scout has gain a new understanding of how everything works and what the society is like, an idea that she would not even be able to think of before. An example of this would be the day she had realized Miss Gates was a hypocrite. In chapter 26, Miss Gates was teaching scout and the other students about Hitler and all his wrongdoings. Miss Gates shows the sheer hate she has for Hitler however, still …show more content…

Boo Radley had no outside experience with anyone in public before but even with this issue, Scout is able to treat him like an actual human being. This could be seen as Scout express her view on the way she expects to treat Boo. In the text it states, “I would lead him through the house, but never lead him home”(372). Scout shows she wants to treat Boo like the person he is and not like an alien to society. He should not be made to feel anymore inhuman as he already does. As she does this, Scout shows an improvement in the way she think, using a better way of thinking as opposed to before. She knows the trouble Book has and tries her best to help

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