
To Kill A Mockingbird Dill Character Traits

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Dill is showing many characteristics about himself throughout this book. He is very young and is friends with the main people in the book. This book is called “To Kill A Mockingbird” this book is by Harper Lee. This book is mainly about a story of how one person broke there arm, all the events in the story lead up to the certain young boy, breaking his arm. This story has a lot of racism in it and I don’t believe in racism at all. Racism is just not right, all people are supposed to be treated equal.
If you have something rude to say about someone of a different skin tone keep it to yourself. Throughout the book To Kill A Mockingbird Dill is very energetic, innocent, and very curious.

Throughout to kill a mockingbird Dill is very energetic because he is very talkative and acts like a normal kid. The first time the Finch kids met Dill he had introduced himself with lots of energy. He introduced himself with lots of energy as quoted from the book “I’m Charles Baker Harris he I can read.” (Lee 8) he had just went right up to them and introduced himself without hesitation. He came back every summer following that first summer, every summer he would have the most crazy ideas and he always had a …show more content…

Each year in summer Dill went to Maycomb and he would go to the Finches house and he would play with Scout and Jem, he had a slight crush on Scout, he said they would get married. When Scout, Jem and him were at the trial he had started crying and could not stop, they took him outside. During the trial Dill started crying as quoted from the book “Dill had started crying and couldn’t stop; quietly at first, then his sobs were heard by several people in the balcony.” (Lee 265) I believe he had started crying because the people of the Jury were just making Tom feel horrible by asking him the same questions. Dill is just a young boy with the innocence of being

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