
To Kill A Mockingbird Discrimination Essay

Decent Essays

Mansour 1

Batoul Mansour
Mrs. C. Disley
12 December 2017
Behind the discrimination of maycomb Unfair treatment makes discrimination evident. Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird takes place when The Great Depression occurred during the 1930’s in an Alabama small town called “Maycomb”. To Kill a Mockingbird is written in the perspective of a little girl by the name of Jean Louise Finch (Scout finch) who is a stubborn, impulsive and outspoken little girl who throughout the novel gains maturity, becomes more observant, and understanding through life alongside her father. Harper Lee’s award winning novel is focused around the social, gender, and racial discrimination and, the affect it has on the people of Maycomb. Social …show more content…

Scout is also criticized late on in the novel by Mrs. Dubose. As Scout and Jem were going down town Mrs. Dubose insults Scout by saying “what are you doing in those overalls you should be in a dress and camisole young lady!” (Lee101). Mrs dubose saying this shows that girls are restricted to a certain clothing style which they must follow. This is discriminatory because she implies that girls should be kept from wearing some things because of her gender.

Racial discrimination is the biggest problem in present and modern day society, so it is no surprise that it is the most evident. Racism is like a disease, it spreads, and over the course of the novel racial discrimination effects many people but most obviously Tom robinson. Tom robinson
Mansour 3 is a African American man who was wrongly accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell- who happens to be defended by Scout’s father (Atticus Finch). Scout is exposed to the racial discrimination that is obviously deeply rooted in the town, when it is passed down to and displayed by Cecil who says, “My folks said your daddy was a disgrace”. The aim to make Scout feel bad all because her father is defending a man who belongs to a certain race shows how racial discrimination continues to be passed along to Maycomb residents. Not only are the children showing it, but adults as well. Mrs. Dubose goes as far as telling Scout that her “father’s no better than the…

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