
To Kill A Mockingbird Family Bond

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Nothing tests this family’s bond more than small simple things blown out of proportion by others around them, but the connection between them overpowers it each time. Jem and Scout have a relationship with their father, Atticus, but it is not considered “normal,” and it shows in multiple ways. When Jem and Scout spend so much time together throughout the summer, they develop an unbreakable bond which does not mean it can not be tested by others. Throughout the year while the trial that goes on, their bond cracks, but it will slowly be returned to be as strong as the one before. When their Aunt Alexandra came to help, it started to hurt their relationship, but by the end, it was stronger than ever because of the court case their father, Atticus, was going through. In the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, the family’s bond is tested in more ways than can be imagined and not every way is the most pleasant situation. Atticus has an interesting parenting style which makes him and his kids more like friends than a family. This family has lived in the same small town, Maycomb. While living in the same place has its advantages, it also brings many difficult memories and situations back. As mentioned throughout the book, Jem and Scout lost their mother at very young ages. Scout was only two, so her knowledge and memories of her are very vague. Jem was six …show more content…

All the relationship issues started from one thing, and that was the loss of their mother. Atticus is not close to the kids, Scout and Jem created an unbreakable bond between themselves because they only had each other, and Scout needed Aunt Alexandra to show her how real grown women act in the town of Maycomb during the 1930’s. Throughout the book, relationships were tested, but the ones that stay true to each other shine by the end considering the hardships they had to

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