
To Kill A Mockingbird Gender Roles

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In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee develops the theme of gender roles through characterization. During the 1930’s, stereotyping between males and females were prominent and even today in our society .Scout challenges the idea of gender roles to remain a tomboy. She challenges characters such as Aunt Alexandra and Jem. Primarily unconventional in terms of gender, these role models fluctuate between different ideas. Lee describes characters that resist agreeing to the example of masculinity and femininity and instead fill middle positions between the stereotypes, as Scout’s tomboy a behavior exemplifies. The actions that Scout took were considered tomboy which was not acceptable during the 1930’s. During the Great Depression, not …show more content…

For example, although gender stereotypes are present in all social classes, we wouldn’t expect Mayella Ewell and Scout to display identical behaviors. As Atticus explains, Scout is a member of the “common folk” (Lee 37). The Finches live in town, are educated, and work responsibly. The Ewells, however, live like “pigs” (Lee 204). Uneducated and unemployed, they live basically in the town dump. Although it’s never physically described, Mayella, however is probably similar to her brother, Burris. Scout illustrates him as the “filthiest human being” she saw: “His neck was dark gray, the backs of his hands were rusty, and his fingernails were black deep into the quick” (Lee 33) Harper Lee depicts that dirtiness is expected of Mayella, but Scout a middle-class would be classified as a tomboy. Society has more expectations from Scout than Mayella to maintain stereotypes because of her position in the middle-class. When Scout appears with mud all over her and covered in sand in front of the Maycomb ladies, Aunt Alexandra is dissatisfied because she believes a sophisticated lady should always be clean. Alexandra also blames Scout because a lady shouldn’t play in the dirt but rather play with tea sets and small stoves. For Scout dirtiness is an effect of her tomboyish behaviors and choosing to be unclean. Living in the economic condition she does, Mayella does not have the

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