
To Kill A Mockingbird Parenting Style Essay

Decent Essays

Journal #3

I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and I am on page 117. This book is about Scout, Dill, and Jem who get into some trouble while messing with the Radley’s. Their neighbor, Miss Maudie’s house burns down, and in the process they learn some things about their neighbors. The town is upset about Atticus defending Tom Robinson, a Negro, and the family dynamics at Christmas dinner end with lots of yelling and chaos. In this journal, I will be evaluating and connecting.

G- I am evaluating Atticus’ parenting style Y- Atticus is very attentive and and protective R- Constantly checking on them - Watches them play from the porch - Watches from the …show more content…

Also, at night if Atticus wakes up, he will more than likely get up and check on Jem and Scout. An example of Atticus is very protective is that Atticus always does his best to make sure his kids are happy and safe. One way to show that is when it was very cold outside; Atticus put more coal in the fire and put blankets on Jem and Scout to warm them up. Atticus also asks multiple questions before or after Jem and Scout do something like where they were, or what they were doing to make sure they are staying out of trouble. Lastly, Atticus always keeps a very close eye on his kids, especially Scout because they are really all he has,and Atticus would like to always keep them safe. Another asset of Atticus’ parenting skill is that he disciplines Jem and Scout in a way that if very effective, and helpful. The reason why his parenting is effective is that he uses his words, never violence. Jem said that he has never gotten spanked, so Atticus probably does not like using violence on Jem and Scout. Also, Atticus yells at his kids if they are doing anything bad to get them to realize what they are doing wrong. Lastly, when Atticus gets mad, he is strict enough to get Jem and Scout to listen to him, but not too strict that it is mean. Atticus is also a very wise man, so whenever he has the opportunity to share something with Jem and Scout, he does, and it is usually when they get in trouble and it

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