
To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view ... Until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it," is the concept that Harper Lee used in his book "To Kill A. Mockingbird. The main idea of the whole book is that people are "entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The only thing that does not abide by that majority rule is a person's conscience." These were words spoken by Atticus, but written by Harper Lee. The words can have many different meanings. In the book Harper Lee shows us that killing a mockingbird is wrong because all they do is sing beautifully for the people around them. In the book Atticus is considered a mockingbird because he was doing something to benefit someone else while everyone else harassed him. Atticus is considered a mockingbird because he believed that Tom was right even when everyone else thought he was foolish because of it. He was doing what was best for everyone, but no one wanted him to because it meant that …show more content…

Boo is viewed as a mockingbird because he helped others and kept to himself even when everyone viewed him as monster. The background story of Boo was that he was a quiet kid and kept to himself, but the story that everyone else remembers is the one where he stabbed his dad in the leg. Boo was a mistreated when everyone around he viewed him as a monster and never talked to him again, and the people were scared to even walk past his house. Boo is considered a mockingbird because one day he stabbed his dad in the leg, went to jail, and throughout that time everyone viewed him as a crazy person. Boo was nothing more than a quiet kid who suffered from being bullied, but no one ever got to see the good side of him until he helped Jem and Scout get away from

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