
To What Extent Can Gatsby Be Considered a Tragic Hero?

Decent Essays

To what extent can Gatsby be considered a tragic hero?

Before we can judge if Jay Gatsby is a tragic hero, we should look at the exact definition of a tragic hero. According to the classic definition, a tragic hero is a «great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat»1, and Oedipus, from the Greek Legends, is defined as the classic tragic hero.

So, is Gatsby then a classic tragic hero, by definition? ! Even if the book itself is called «Great Gatsby», is Jay really great? From the text, we know that he came from a poor family, and made his fame and money through illegal business, and created a fake world of his own surrounding his reality, because he never accepted reality as it was. …show more content…

Gatsby has created his «greatness», but has none of his own. So, he is not a hero by classical definition, not quite, just because all that he is, his greatness, is in fact a masterful illusion. ! Is Gatsby destined for downfall? Clues can be found all over the novel, in descriptions of Gatsby, and Nick’s portrayal of him. Firstly, Nick realises straight away that Gastby is lying about his past and his trips to India, which suggests that Gatsby isn’t that much of a good liar, and Gatsby doesn’t realise this, because he has made all his dreams reality. Also, the description of Gatsby in chapter 6 gives us suggestions on why Gatsby can never be satisfied with his life: «...these reveries provided an outlet for his imagination; they were a satisfactory hint of the unreality of reality, a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy’s wing»2. This quote is a perfect illustration of how Gastby views life. The fairy mentioned is has a slightly sarcastic feel, it’s almost as if Gastby’s mind is of a child - that everything around him is perfect, and nothing can influence him. But, such an oblivious approach to life cannot be secure or everlasting. Every dream changes, and every lie comes through sometime. Gatsby has to understand that he cannot live in his own fantasy, and that other

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