
To What Extent Did Church Influence Medieval Society

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To what extent did the role of the Church influence medieval society?

Religion was far more important in almost every aspect of Medieval life than it is in most modern societies. The majority of people in Europe followed the Christian religion under authorizing of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church in the Medieval Era possessed great wealth, political power and influence over art, architecture, community life and education. It's religious acknowledgments gave shape to the calendar and its spiritual rituals marked important moments in an individual's life (such as baptism, acceptance, marriage, forgiveness, holy orders and the last rites). Its teachings depend upon dominant beliefs about ethics, the meaning of life, and the afterlife and Churches where ultimately the only connection that the peasants and nobles shared.

The Middle Ages are sometimes referred to as the ‘Age of Faith’ because religion was so important in past European societies. Medieval villages were structured …show more content…

This was a result of the power and wealth (from tithes) that the Church had acquired. The Church had complete authority over the people. When the Church educated people, they directed their stories and superstitions on Hell which feared the people. Peasants and serfs were forced to maintain Church grounds and were often mistreated. People had many other reasons to fear the Church. Another reason that the medieval Church was so influential in Medieval times was because it made laws and set up courts to uphold them. The Catholic Church used torture and imprisonment to obtain confessions from people regardless of whether they were guilty. They would severely punish people if they fell asleep in Church or if they did not attend at all. They also used methods of torture to convert people from one religion to another, (such as Baptism/Christianity). The Church would also deal with the victims in court if held

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