
To What Extent Does Access To Condoms Prevent Teenage Pregnancy

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Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy? I strongly agree that condoms do help the prevention of teen pregnancy. Condoms should actually be placed in schools, doctor offices, community youth centers and just about everywhere teens are found. I believe that everywhere teens hang out there should be condoms available to them either free or little to no cost. The more access and availability to condoms teens have the more they will use them to protect themselves and the less teen pregnancy and STI rate they will have. Convenient condom access and availability simply helps our teens because they will most likely receive education and confidentiality with those condoms. Also the financial burden of purchasing condoms will be lifted from the teens. Parents and adults normally …show more content…

The more education a teen has on sex and teen pregnancy, the less likely they are to become a mother or father at the age of sixteen or younger. Most churches and doctor offices normally give out goodie bags to teens. These goodie bags are normally filled with male or female condoms, coupons, and lots of informational pamphlet’s. These goodie bags are not only useful but very convenient for teens who don’t have a lot of time and feel like sitting in a two sex education class is torture. Also when giving out condoms doctor offices and many other places try their best to give teens a very quick education tips and lessons on teen pregnancy, STI’s and the pros and condoms about using condoms. They do this not to scare teens but to provide teens with the necessary and proper education to protect themselves and prevent some of the negative outcomes that happen when you have unprotected sex. Some of these pamphlets also provide statistics, teen pregnancy rates and sex educated teens versus non educated teens. Over the years this education has been deemed very useful because today there is a significant decrease in teen

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