
To What Extent Does Elie Wiesel Use Of Rhetorical Questions

Decent Essays

Elie Wiesel’s use of rhetorical questions helps make his essay interact with the reader. Rhetorical question is where a the writer asks a question, but it is not answered by the writer but by the reader because the answer is straightforward. Writers use these as a way to add effect, emphasis, and provocation. The first example of this rhetorical device is when Elie Wiesel states, “Would this terrible act drive us apart, I asked myself, or draw us together as a nation? (Wiesel 2)”. This is clearly an example of a rhetorical question because the writer does not answer the question. He asks his audience, the Americans, if 9/11 would drive Americans apart or together. The simple answer was that it would drive Americans together because we all …show more content…

Therefore it can be said that he also tried to persuade us into thinking that the U.S has become more strong and united. He later shows that these attacks united Americans as a whole. He would want the audience to react by growing together as a nation. He wants them to be united due to time being difficult. Lastly, he wants his audience to respond by helping out the victims in any way that is possible. Another example of Wiesel using rhetorical question is when he asks, “Hhow can one go on working, studying, and simply living without sinking into despair? How is one to vanquish the fear that infiltrated our very existence? And how are we to console the families and friends of the more 5000 victims?” (Wiesel 6). This is an example of a rhetorical question because the writer asks the reader specific questions for the audience to answer by themselves. Through using these rhetorical questions he wanted to emphasize that the only way to pass through this tough time is by being united and generous. By asking these questions the writer wanted to gain agreement from the audience about how to react to this situation. Lastly, he wanted to guide their thoughts to correlate what he wanted to

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