
To What Extent Is The American Dream Real

Decent Essays

Is the American Dream real or just a fantasy?

The American Dream is there for everyone, it’s up to the people to make it real for their lives or to just let it die. Many people have let their American Dream die, but another hand full of people still fight to keep the American Dream alive. There are many supporting evidence such as the Bill Of Rights, Declaration Of Independence, Freedom Of Expression and many more. The American Dream can offer a good job, freedom to do a job of your choice or study the way of your choice, and success. In this essay, we will talk about proves that the American Dream IS real. Now, do you think the American Dream is real?

First evidence is the Bill Of Rights. We have many opportunities. We have the opportunities of voting, of working in our dream job career, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, etc. Many people have the opportunity to succeed but they don’t want to take that chance and they say that the American Dream is not real. The American Dream is real if we make it real. I imagine that one of the American Dream of the president is to keep United States a wealthy, good and united place. Everyone has a dream they want to accomplish, weather is good or bad, but there is a dream in everyone’s heart. It’s up to the people to be successful in their American Dream or not. “Small …show more content…

Obviously, the word itself can tell you that WE have independence. We can take care of our own self. We can also be independent and be successful by ourselves. The Declaration Of Independence technically means; all men are created free and equal and possess the same inherent, natural rights. After all, the Declaration is the parent of our dream. What would you do if the Declaration Of Independence didn’t exist? We would be screwed! The Declaration technically made the American Dream become real. “We hold these truths, mankind was created to be equal, happy, and

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