
Tobacco and Its Harmful Effects

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The “Smoking” Killer
Smoking has become a big health epidemic in today’s society. Smoking has grown to be a “norm” among all races, genders, and ages of Americans. Smoking is very harmful to the body because of the vast chemicals that are involved in the tobacco. Various life-threaten disease, such as Cancer come from smoking. The government has implemented a wide range of ways to stop people from smoking these senseless chemicals to live a smoke-free life.
Literature Review
Tobacco crops are the most important grown crops by American farmers. (Tobacco, 2013) These crops are the most valuable to American society because they are sold as cigarettes, chewing tobacco and snuff (sniffed through the nose). Tobacco started in the middle sixteen …show more content…

Smoking while pregnant has severe consequences that affect the baby. Pregnant women who smoke causes infertility, preterm delivery, stillbirth and various other diseases that causes reproductive and early child hood effects. (CDC, 2013) This is imperative people realize that smoking can not only be deadly to you, but also children.
Smoking among young adults is higher than ever. There are nearly 4,000 young adults each day that have their first cigarette and 1,000 of them become daily smokers. (CDC, 2013) This rise is because of the pressure that young adults are upon. They are trying to be cool and do not know they are hurting their bodies. “The price of cigarettes has a very significant effect on youth smoking. Every 10 percent increase in the price of cigarettes reduces youth consumption by 7 percent.” (American Lung Association, n.d.) Also, the media plays a major role in smoking. They target people of younger ages by music and advertising showing that it is okay to smoke and you will look cool. Since younger adults are not as experienced, they are pressured into smoking. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013) reported:
The percentage of U.S. adults who were current smokers in 2011 was 19% of all adults of which were 21.6% males and 16.5% females. This percentage is out of 43.8 million people. Also, 31.5% were Indian/Alaska native, 27.4% were multiple races, 20.6% were white, 19.4% were black,

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