TV host Tomi Lahren is not a nice or intelligent woman. I would like to state that before you read this article that attempting to understanding and deciphering her uncivilized speech is going to cause you to expend unnecessary brainpower. Once again Lahren is being seen all over social media after a vicious attack on Beyoncé’s super bowl performance. Tomi Lahren stupidly believes that it was Beyoncé paying tribute to the Black Panthers. Apparently this halftime performance was to push the message of “Black Lives MATTER MORE”. The #BLM movement has always been and still is that “Black Lives Matter”. Not more, not less, just matter. The protests, marches, events, have never once been orchestrated to declare that this ethnic group are any more valuable then any other group, but more so that they are as valuable as others and are equal. Tomi Lahren continues to make aggressive accusations that make me wonder what decade she thinks she’s living in. Beyonce just like President Obama, Jada …show more content…
Although there may be mixed opinions about what exactly is “political correctness”, after watching her final thoughts on Jesse Williams’s speech, I can clearly see which side she favors. What does it even mean for her to say that everyone has ‘equal rights?’ What reason does she have to say that white people fought in the Civil War to free enslaved people? Is she saying that white people went through just as much horror so that we are equal? The reason so many white people were fighting in the Civil War to fight for the freedom of those in slavery is because the black people were unable to fight because they were enslaved! Clearly, America would not be what it is today without the benefits that were reaped from slavery, but saying that it wasn’t all that bad because after so many years people saw that working innocent citizens against there will was probably inhumane is a stupid
Transition. Clara didn’t let her age or resources get in the way of her goals. She earned her own money to pay for her books by sewing and writing letters for neighbor who didn’t know how to read or write.
Her speech was mostly drawn from her experience of racism, racial injustice and poor treatment of women when she lived in the South. Her belief in the ending of these injustices was based on her religion and belief in Christianity and then natural rights of all individuals. Her motives to write the speech was based on changing the thinking of other people into acknowledging that all humans were equal despite their race, gender or ideologies. They were therefore supposed to be treated as the same irrespective of their social classes. Some of her personal details could have influenced the speech that she wrote. Among them is gender since she was a woman and her beliefs in Christianity through reading the Bible that championed that all people were the same
Lauren Stickler is escorted by her mother, Ann Stickler, father, Tom Stickler, and sister, Meredith Stickler. Lauren will be attending the University of Texas at Austin to study Mechanical Engineering this fall. Lauren is a three year letterman and will be graduating as Ridge Point’s class of 2017 Salutatorian.
The session that I attended was Dolores Huerta speech, which was very interesting. Dolores Huerta was born on April 10, 1930, she is a labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with Cesar Chavez, co-founded the national Farmworkers association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers, immigrants, and women’s rights. She is truly a leader, working tirelessly to help the poor and women and children. She talks about war, genocide, Mass incarceration, and poverty. During her participation in non-violent protest she was arrested 22 times trying to make changes in society. Her main question was what can we do as people to solve things in the
The film delves into with questioning definitions and how things are label in this country, it asked, what is person? What is property? Are people of color free? DuVernay answer questions by showing just how those labels have against people of color. The next question DuVernay asked is, do “Black Lives Matter”, she answer that question by giving a more historic perspective on how America would not have flourish had it not been for slave labor. When DuVernay is interviewing Malkia Cyril and she is asked about black lives matter movement, her response is yes “black lives matter” and yes “all lives matter”, but Cyril points out is, all Americans need understand and educate themselves, on why and how the black lives matter movement began, the film
attempts have been made by organizations such as the BPP, activists like Malcolm X, and an
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a loosely‐coordinated, nationwide movement dedicated to ending police brutality that rose to prominence in late 2014. It takes its name from a hashtag started by three Black feminist activists Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi but the movement and the hashtag are not identical (Freelon, McIlwain, & Clark, 2016). BLM has achieved national reputation through their online and offline organizing, obtaining extensive news media coverage and glowing references in music and entertainment television. Based on a horrendous incident that sparked a concern for a lot of Black people across the world, the sudden need for a social movement was born called BLM. Black Lives Matter is a national organization working for the validity of Black life and also working to rebuild the Black liberation movement. Black Lives Matter broadens the conversation and highlight the incidents around state violence to include the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state. This referring to the ways in which Black lives are deprived of basic human rights and dignity. According to the article The Murder of Walter Scott, which talks about race and class, “African Americans are less than 13% of the U.S. population yet they are nearly 50% of those killed by the police. North Charleston has a population of 104,000, 47% Black and the police force is 80% white (Miah, 2015)”.
In the article “The Problem with Saying All Lives Matter”, Tyler Huckabee (2015) states that it’s decreasing the relevant of “All Black Lives” and represents a complete misunderstanding of the phrase “Black lives Matter. He acknowledges the view that people are not decreasing the relevant truth of “All Black Lives Matter”, but the emphasis of his argument is to educate people who don’t see the flaw and what the outcome of this movement may be in result. He provides an example of, a 17-year-old boy named Trayvon Martin, who was fatally shot while he was walking back from a convenience store. Due to this incident, three women named Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi (Founders of BLM) began tweeting #blacklivesmatter, it had transformed
One brave soul decided to fire back with another new hashtag, All Lives Matter. All Lives Matter was supposed to be a hashtag that would unite our nation rather than tear it apart more, but pPeople have stated how they feel about both hashtags. As black lives matter wants to see where all people are treated equal, it fails with just showing the racial side of the matter, rather than the LGBT, and Mexican, etc. With all lives matter it includes all these people and shows how all of us were created equal and should be equal in everything we do. In the article posted on the blog State Press titled #AllLivesMatter, not just #BlackLivesMatter Lindsay Roberts wrote “It is our civic responsibility to make sure that our government understands that we will not stand for this. Because if we do not, we’re failing every truth we claim to be self-evident.” Whenever a shooting happens, people seem to jump to the defense of the person who was shot or killed based on the color of there skin. They think we discriminate against them because of their color and background. Really, we aren’t trying to be racist when we rush to the fact that they were black. We aren’t exactly saying that it's bad and that black lives matter, we just know for a fact that the color of their skin is black. We aren’t being judgemental towards them and have feelings of hate. People need to stop rushing to the fact that we are judging, when we may be just stating the facts. In the article, I Don't Hate Black Lives If I Don't Rush Judgment On Violence from the Federalist it says“May God rightly judge us for any complacency in unjustified violent deaths, but surely we should not be judged by others for temporarily reserving our judgement on new, highly controversial incidents, either.” Judgement is a problem we have faced for many years. We face judgement in sports, academics, race, sex and life in general. Whether we are the target or the
She is very much a common sense figure. It also goes so far as to parallel the two voices for the black community at that time. One voice was proactive and wanted to march for freedom and the other wanted to kneel and pray rather than stand up for their rights.
In America during her time, ideas like this were generally and publicly supported, and, as viewed through the confidence she exudes, people with ideas as these did not have to fear reprimand. It was normal to support segregation and separation, especially because the laws in America at the time did, too. To a modern viewer, however, this is a very strong and profound statement that stands
In a previous Inquisitr article, I wrote about the Twitter firestorm that erupted concerning the All Lives Matter movement after the incident in which a gunman shot and killed five police officers in Dallas, Texas, last Thursday. It angered many people and the question was raised as to why the All Lives Matter movement is so offensive right now. I decided to write another article to try to explain why the ALM movement is wrong at this time. In another day and time, the movement would be something we could all aspire to, but many don’t understand the reason why Black Lives Matter more right now. It is not to condemn other races, or say that any other lives don’t matter, but the BLM movement was born out of prejudice against people of color.
We had a gest speaker, Jo Ricci who works in Academic Skills Unite. She presented us essential things when we study in Diploma of Nursing: importance of listening, using of Bright space and paraphrasing.
The media has changed the mindset of many individuals in society. If a peaceful protest is happening, then the citizens are portrayed to be angry and rioters in the media. In today’s society, people gain their knowledge from either reading off social media networking sites and newspaper outlets online. The miscommunication and biased perspectives are formed because of sources that may have an enticing headline such as saying, “Black Lives Matter is the newest hate group.” For someone who might not understand this organization would believe the negative stigma behind it. This organization stands against violence and systemic racism toward African-Americans involving the issues of police brutality, profiling, and injustices. Black Lives Matter holds peaceful protests and meetings to find solutions to help end racial inequality for African-Americans. The headline should state that “Black Lives Matter stands up for unity,” which is respectable toward the organization. However, the media tries not to promote positivity because they want to appeal more individuals with newsworthy articles. The Nationalist Association of Black Journalists Award Winning Artist, Akiba Solomon is a freelance writer who focuses on writing about race and gender. One of her most indulgence writings is titled Thugs. Students. Rioters. Fans: Media’s Subtle Racism in Unrest Coverage. Solomon is a lecturer that instructs and teaches about women and social justice issues. She discusses the intolerant
On social media there was a trending hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, when the riots in Ferguson began in August 2014 over the killing of a young African American male by a white police officer. The African American community made it clear that black lives did matter. They were outraged and upset by the constant police brutality against them that they believed was caused by the underlying of racism. The fact that black