
Tomi Lahren Speech

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TV host Tomi Lahren is not a nice or intelligent woman. I would like to state that before you read this article that attempting to understanding and deciphering her uncivilized speech is going to cause you to expend unnecessary brainpower. Once again Lahren is being seen all over social media after a vicious attack on Beyoncé’s super bowl performance. Tomi Lahren stupidly believes that it was Beyoncé paying tribute to the Black Panthers. Apparently this halftime performance was to push the message of “Black Lives MATTER MORE”. The #BLM movement has always been and still is that “Black Lives Matter”. Not more, not less, just matter. The protests, marches, events, have never once been orchestrated to declare that this ethnic group are any more valuable then any other group, but more so that they are as valuable as others and are equal. Tomi Lahren continues to make aggressive accusations that make me wonder what decade she thinks she’s living in. Beyonce just like President Obama, Jada …show more content…

Although there may be mixed opinions about what exactly is “political correctness”, after watching her final thoughts on Jesse Williams’s speech, I can clearly see which side she favors. What does it even mean for her to say that everyone has ‘equal rights?’ What reason does she have to say that white people fought in the Civil War to free enslaved people? Is she saying that white people went through just as much horror so that we are equal? The reason so many white people were fighting in the Civil War to fight for the freedom of those in slavery is because the black people were unable to fight because they were enslaved! Clearly, America would not be what it is today without the benefits that were reaped from slavery, but saying that it wasn’t all that bad because after so many years people saw that working innocent citizens against there will was probably inhumane is a stupid

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