
Tonya Narrative Therapy

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The authors explore the film I Tonya (2017) from a systemic perspective, and analyze the main family’s behaviors through the lens of Narrative Therapy. The authors referred to multiple articles that define Narrative therapy, and the use of tools such as externalization, deconstruction and exceptions. The authors of this paper examine the characters within the film, and suggest methods where therapeutic interventions could facilitate healing from public ridicule through empowerment.
Keywords: narrative therapy, family systems, externalization

Shunned by a Nation: Narrative Therapy to Heal Public Shame
Public shaming is new to the frontier of modern technology. The trauma experienced at the hands of public scrutiny and …show more content…

Arbetter (1990) describes the family rules in alcoholic families to be; do not talk, do not trust, and do not feel. Additionally, he communicated that children do not trust their own instincts because of the inconsistency within the system (Arbetter, 1990). Physical and mental abuse were used to enforce the first rule, do not talk via the message, shut up, and fall in line. Repeated patterns of lying combined with her father’s absence demonstrated the second rule, which was do not trust. Furthermore, withholding statements of affection occurred even when requested directly, communicating the family’s “no emotion” rule. Consequently, this normalized a rule that regarded physical and mental abuse is as love. This rule followed Tonya into her toxic relationship with Jeff, due to isolation. Detrimentally, Tonya was withheld from all exterior influence that may have educated her that the abuse is not appropriate. LaVonna made it clear that friends, boyfriends, or anything enjoyable was an unnecessary distraction. All time and energy were to be directed at skating and …show more content…

Accordingly, the role of the therapist is to interpret how the client is comprehending their story and the associated meaning. Once completed, the therapist would assist the client to re-author a more helpful, rewarding, and open-ended story by emphasizing the understanding of the individual’s subjective experience (Phipps & Vorster, 2015). Tonya and her experience were constructed and anchored in her family roots that manifested through years of emotional and physical abuse from her mom, the media, and society while grieving the neglect and abandonment of her dad. The authors of this paper believe it is imperative that Tonya and her mother work independently. Individual work can create a boundary and space to heal from the history of

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