
Too Much Pressure Academically And Socially For High School Students

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Too much pressure academically and socially for high school students What makes students to have too much pressure? Students need to be more careful about their health. For many years every person has been educated in a way. But not even fourth of the population gets place in their life. Parents should not make their kids join every activity in school, clubs, Electives even sport If students get low-test score they should work harder, it will be stressful the first time but it will pay off. In order for students to find success in their life they should not put pressure on them self because, too much pressure might cause health problem, it makes them leave school and due illegal activates and also when their friends make fun of the person adds more pressure and stress on the students. To begin, it’s important to not put too much pressure on your self because it can cause heath problems. There are many different reasons why people having a health problem after too much pressure. It’s because there are people in order to take stress and the pressure out they start to smoke, which is the main reason that many people smoking. According to the book of Remix by Catherine g. Latterell Author talks about how Julie had stressful year both academically and socially in her junior year, she took eight academic classes the first semester skipping lunch in order to squeeze an extra classes. Plus, She had hard time, she did not had a time for her family or other activates she puts

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