
Total Cost Of Wildfires

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In 2017 through 2018 there have been some of the biggest and longest fires to burn. A wildfire is a fire that is out of control and started by man or by nature. They are big and cause lots of distraction. Wildfires have lots of effects like streams being clogged up, millions of dollars wasted, and land being burned away. Body Wildfires cause millions to billions of dollars each year in the USA. According to Lynn Jenner, the cost for wildfires has peaked to 2 billion in the last year. This is double what the the usual cost it. Which is about 1 billion. To total costs for wildfires in the last 8 years has been 7 billion, and two billion of that came from 2017. This is important because 7 billion dollars is a lot of money, and if people don’t

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