
Touching Spirit Bear Sparknotes

Decent Essays

Cole is the 15-year-old juvenile from the novel Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson. Cole has been in trouble with the law since he was 7 and isn’t thinking about stopping. The wrongdoing delinquent’s latest crime was robbing the local hardware store. A 9th grader by the name of Peter Driscoll went to the authorities to inform the police about the robber. Unfortunately, Cole beats him so hard he is hospitalized for 6 months. At the detention center, Cole’s gravelly-voiced, wisecracking, Native-American parole officer, Garvey tells him about Circle Justice. Circle Justice is a Native-American tradition for healing. Although Circle Justice is meant for good, Cole’s idea is to just to get out of jail. On the island Circle Justice sends …show more content…

Throughout the book the dense teen makes very foolish remarks. For example, at the very beginning of the book, Cole robbs a hardware store. This is foolish but what he does after is even more… HE BRAGS ABOUT IT AT SCHOOL! Also, when Cole is on the island he forms the idea that he will swim from the island he is on to the next closest on and when he reaches the island he will rest and then keep repeating this until he gets to the mainland. Although the water is cold, Cole is inexorable. What brings him back is the tide. The swimmer doesn’t realize it but he is still in the same stop. After Cole gets back from his “refreshing” swim, he sees the spirit bear. The 700 pound black bear, that , bothers Cole because it defied him. (I mean if you were a 700 pound spirit bear you probably wouldn’t be afraid of a scony 15 year-old in his tighty-whities.) Since it bothered Cole so much he tried to kill the bear but, instead got mauled so hard he was minutes away from death. Cole’s foolishness is from two things… rage and …show more content…

Cole has many things in his life that trigger his best friends, Rage and Anger. First, Cole shows anger towards his parents for his actions. He feels that it is their fault for having him on the island. The scony 15-year-old’s parents are both alcoholics. Cole’s monstrous father drinks so much and when he gets home he whips Cole senseless. His mother on the other hand, drinks to get away from reality. When Cole’s father abuses him, his mother doesn’t to anything. Although his parents are the base of Cole’s friendship with Anger and Rage, it is not all their fault that Cole is who he is. Unfortunately, Anger, Rage, and Cole are always together. When Cole robbs a hardware store and Peter rats him out, Anger and Rage are with him to hurt Peter so bad death is knocking on his door. Be cause of the attack of Cole and his gang, he is banished to a remote island and has a mere cabin that will provide shelter for him… until he BURNS IT DOWN! Rage and Anger must have snuck into the boat when no one was watching. Cole has made a life long friendship with Anger and Rage or so he thinks. Being on the island will smack some sense into him and he will slowly drift apart from his friendship and learn

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