
Tphady Of The Commons : The Tragedy Of The Commons

Decent Essays

It is easy to imagine when Hardin (1968) wrote the Tragedy of the Commons; he anticipated things would get progressively worse over time, particularly if people did not respect the earth (Hardin, 1968). Although he did not mention any particular common, Hardin (1968) envisioned the world’s resources dwindling, as a result of people's mishandling of them. Hardin (1968) explained that “tragedy” in “The Tragedy of the Commons,” is the cruel way things work. It may have seemed as though things in the world were progressing without incident as far as resources were concerned, then, whether through culture or because of mere necessity, one day the tragedy of the commons occurs (Hardin, 1968, p.1244). This phenomenon is apparent in the movie …show more content…

Barriers ultimately affect the fish in the waterways by becoming a particular partition interrupting them from their source of life and survival. Because fish can no longer return to reproduce they are slowly and steadily moving towards extinction. As pointed out in the movie, Richard Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to protect all species of animals from destruction. This measure was highly praised by environmental activists nationwide. The Indigenous people in the movie were affected by the presence of the dam at Celilo Falls. Their lives were tremendously altered because of it. The river served many purposes for them, it supplied their food, and it was also part of a formal celebration that took place each year the fish returned to their spawning ground. In the Tragedy of the Commons (1968), Hardin (1968) pointed out that each is programmed into thinking of oneself and self-preservation, and in doing so their pursuit of wealth is at the forefront. In the report “Dams and Development” (2001) it stated that when the building of large dams increased in popularity, “they were viewed by many as synonymous with development and economic progress. Hydropower, irrigation, water supply and flood control services were widely seen as sufficient justification for the huge investments required; while other benefits, such as the economic prosperity brought to a region by multiple cropping, the installation of electricity in rural areas, and the expansion of

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