
Traditional Public Schools

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Table 1 presents weighted averages that indicate the conditions at a charter or traditional public school (including traditional public schools and magnet schools) attended by the average white, black, Hispanic, LEP and IDEA students in the state of California. For example, the seventh and eighth columns (number of AP courses) indicate that the average white student enrolled in a charter school attends a school with 8.5 AP courses, while the average white student enrolled in a traditional public school attends a school offering 15.6 AP courses. Binary variables such as GT, AP, and IB indicate whether or not a school offers these types of programs; therefore, the weighted averages tell us what percentage of students attend a school with a …show more content…

Therefore, even though all subgroups of students in traditional public schools have roughly the same likelihood of attending a school that offers AP courses (over 95%), some subgroups may be more represented than others in AP classrooms, which I explore below. Third, the data show that in California, Hispanic and black students a attend schools with more LEP students than do white students. This is true in traditional public schools (the average Hispanic student’s school enrolls 283 LEP students and the average black student’s school enrolls 194, compared to 109 in the average white student’s school) and in charter schools (178 and 127 LEP students in the average Hispanic and black student’s school, respectively, compared to 86 in the average white student’s school). Furthermore, there tend to be fewer LEP students in charter schools than in traditional public schools. Interestingly enough, a black (126.5) or Hispanic (177.9) student at a charter school is more likely to attend a school with more LEP students than a white student at a traditional public school (109.3). Similarly, there is generally less exposure to students classified under IDEA in charter schools, although racial differences in exposure to IDEA peers are smaller than differences in exposure to LEP. Additionally, the data show that LEP students are exposed to other LEP

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