
Tragedy Of A Tragic Fate

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Tragedy is mimesis but also shock, it is pain but also relief, it is heightened by religion but also less effective because of it, it is vulnerability and also enlightenment. Tragedy in my opinion is a contradiction, oxymoronic within its meanings, interpretations and guidelines.
Tragedy first appeared in Athiens around 533BC with the actor Thespis, hence where the word ‘thespian’ came from. Tragedy appears every second of every day, recently a woman died tragically in a car accident in Wagga Wagga, even though one might not know this woman, there is an overwhelming flow of empathy and sympathy and we find ourselves having imagery of this woman’s un known and in complete life, automatically when we hear the words ‘tragic accident’, we see the one/s involved as a protagonists, heroes befallen of a tragic fate. This is what tragedy has come to, going from art to real life in a different context but with the same meaning. Tragedies don’t have to be performed in the context of a drama, they are effective when being told in the form of a plot, Aristotle is partly correct in saying that the plot is the most important aspect in tragedy, it can cause Catharsis which means it arouses a feeling of pity or fear in an audience, even without the need to see the play, just reading the plot will cause empathy and sympathy, but so can a horrific image.
According to Aristotle, tragedy aims to arouse pity and fear in the audience, in this way it is necessary to have mimesis, or be

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