
Training Support Officer Position

Satisfactory Essays

Good planning and organisational skills
My current role of Training Support Officer has a heavy workload and demands that I remain organised and plan weeks ahead of schedule to ensure that all student materials are readily available. In this role I plan and organise all course bookings for in house courses including the preparation and issue of student workbooks, attendance list, feedback forms, arrange catering and stocking of supplies. Furthermore, I coordinate and set up the venue for classes, including trainers presentation materials and audio visual equipment along with maintaining the students record of attendance and competency through PowerPro student management system.
I coordinate all external student appointments through Outlook managing multiple trainer diaries and making bookings for students on the trainers behalf. This requires consistently planning ahead of schedule by anticipating students requirements and assuring that all student materials are available for the trainer to take out on the road with them.
In addition, I have five years experience in organising medical conferences and educational events for the Kimberley Division of General Practice. The Annual Kimberely Medical Conference would attract a wide range of …show more content…

All of my positions have largely been undertaken without supervision, although integral in working toward a common goal within the team. For example, at the Training Council it was my responsibility for the collation of employment trend statistics to be extracted into Excel and stored on our network drive for quick access by our Project Officers. I collated this information for the team without supervision or prompting and in turn provide the team with the support to meet their reporting

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