
Trait Theory, As Its Name Suggest Is A Platform To Study

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Trait theory, as its name suggest is a platform to study Human Psychology that identifies and measures the degree to which certain personality traits—recurring patterns of thought and behavior, such as anxiousness, shyness, openness to new things—exist from individual to individual. The subject involves a set number of personality traits (although the number of traits can vary wildly) and assigns the degree that a trait exists, which then determines the individual’s personality. Dr. William Sheldon (1898-1977) was an American psychologist who during his career held teaching and research posts at a number of Universities in the United States. Much of Dr. William Sheldon 's professional life was devoted to investigating the range human …show more content…

Allport’s theories remained influential in personality theory, but 4,000 traits were considered by many to be unwieldy and impractical for applications. So in the 1940s, Raymond Cattell boiled Trait Theory down to something more manageable. In Cattell’s early career he was a research assistant to Charles Spearman, who developed a way of approaching statistics called factor analysis, which involved grouping commonly appearing factors in sets of data.
Raymond Cattell, was a British chemist, statistician and psychologist with a fascination for human personality and behavior who disagreed with Eyesenck’s view that personality could be understood by looking at two or three dimensions. In the 1940s, Cattell began what was to be many years of research into personality traits. Frustrated with personality theories that only seemed to describe separate aspects of personality, he set out to try to identify all of the traits that made up a person. He was influenced by the devastating effects of the First and Second World Wars, and hoped that if human nature could be better understood, it would bring mankind closer to solving global political and economic problems.In order to scientifically establish a formal framework for understanding personality, Cattell used a statistical technique known as factor analysis. He started out with a list of 4,500 adjectives that could describe people (taken from the English

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