• We hire Transfer Student Peer Mentors (TSPM) from a variety of colleges and demographics (veterans, non-traditional students in terms of age, work and life experiences). Most of our transfer population is still on average young, however we see an increasing number of older, previously in the work force, married and/or with children transfers in our program. The program attempts to address the needs of multiple demographics. Information on our mentors found here:: http://successcenter.tamu.edu/Programs/Transfer-Student-Program-(TSP)/Who-We-Are
o TSPM hold weekly office hours and work 10-12 hours per week; students can make (3) types of appointments in 30 or 50 minute increments: face-to-face, virtual via video conference and via telephone;
Cypress College has an array of services for students to take advantage and make use of to purse their academic goals. For many students, like myself, the goal is to transfer to a CSU or UC. Fortunate enough, students at Cypress College have the benefit of accessing the transfer center to ensure one is taking the correct course and have a smooth transition from Cypress College to the university of choice, as stated on www.cypresscollege.edu/services/transfer. The transfer center offers individual counseling, general education coursework check-sheets, and online transfer planning resources and link to ensure student success and extending their education to university level.
Earning a college degree has long been considered—one of the major keys in achieving the American Dream. However, contrary to popular belief, that theory has been proven invalid. According to a recent study from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRBOSL), “Education does not help black and Hispanic college graduates protect their wealth the same way that it does for their white and Asian counterparts.”
I did not like the book The Call Of The Wild because in the first two or three chapters after buck gets adopted by Francois the book repeats itself over and over again. Also every time something that should kill Buck, he breaks through and lives with minor inguries. I liked the book because Buck shone through all the other dogs he was brave, loving, and always did what his master told him too.
Many colleges and universities throughout the United States and several other countries face a common problem. Student retention is a growing problem across the nation for all ethnic groups and all ages. Each individual who chooses to drop out of school has their own personal reasons as to why they do. However, many drops out can be completely avoided. When students drop out they are not clearly thinking about how it’s going to affect their future, the future of their children and even grandchildren. Although there are several reasons as to why students drop out of school, we will be exploring a few as it relates to why student retention is a growing problem.
As students get older and become juniors and seniors, many people are taking on new challenges around Chino Hills and for their personal experience. Some students have been hired at food pop ups, chain restaurants, department stores, and smoothie and teahouses. Tastea, a boba, and food location, has hired many Chino Hills High students to work and make boba drinks for the community to enjoy. Other locations that have opened recently, such as Creamistry and 7 Leaves have also been hiring various students from Chino Hills High School too. In addition to the food jobs that have been very popular for students to work at there are also jobs at the stores such as Forever 21, Tillys, Aeropostale, and many more. Many students have been hired at all
The mentoring program for new grads at this facility has been very successful. The facility has found that the mentoring program builds confidence in the new grads and respect for the mentor. It makes the new grads believe they are wanted and helps them adapt to the
“First-generation” is a commonly known term, yet most people do not actually know the extent of being a student who is the first in their family to go to college. The majority of the general population assumes that in order to be considered first generation, a students’ parents must never have attended college before. However, this is not always the case. The University of Florida defines first-generation as students whose parents never earned a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, a student can be considered first generation if their parents have an associate’s degree. Regardless of the definition, a first-generation student’s major issue is staying enrolled in college.
Based on the analysis of the data collected for this research, academic and social assimilation was necessary to keep African American women college students in community colleges. Every mentoring relationship may differ student to student, but overall, mentoring helps students to develop self-confidence, educational goals, and the aspiration to be successful in an educational setting. As seen in the results of this survey, students thought that consulting was the most helpful service offered by the AASP, as faculty mentors were able to develop compelling relationships outside the classroom to contribute to their academic success. Students took advantage counseling sessions provided to them as 58% of students
This study is limited to the freshman mentor program at one high school in a 30 high school district located in Maryland. Data was collected from a representative group of mentors. Interviews were limited to discussion of the role of the mentor in working with the freshmen mentees. Although many high schools have freshmen mentor programs, each school develops a unique program to fit the needs of the students feeding into their school. Data was collected from a small representative group of mentors and they were all
I never understood NFL free agency. It seems as though, it is a way for an athlete to make as much money as they possibly can over the length of their career. It is a way for teams to sign players whose contracts have expired and are free to play for whomever they choose. These athletes are catered to, flown everywhere just for the possibility of them signing with their team. But, sometimes, teams have to cut players that have helped them win over the years. As a football fan, in most cases, I enjoy free agency because this is a great chance for my team to collect players to improve their roster and give them a better chance to win.
The College Transfer Success class has helped me in multiple ways. It has helped me create a specific Academic Plan, a detailed Personal Statement and other academic goals. I have learned about different test-taking strategies, reading strategies and test-taking strategies. ACA has provided students with information about the different forms of financial aid, different scholarship opportunities and how to apply for scholarships. Along from this, this course has introduced me and other students with a different form of teaching from an intelligent, prepared, a serious and professional teacher named Gabrielle Taylor. This is an excellent course that will better help prepare students when transferring to another institution.
Trump’s main appeal seems to be his projection of strength in free speech. This is his only trait that carries him despite his blatant lack of knowledge on political issues and lack of experience. Donald Trump’s supporters follow him because he speaks his mind, but any sane individual should be vehemently opposed to Donald Trump being president. Donald Trump lies with such ease and tramples on free press and free speech, even going as far as stating he will change the laws that we already have in place. We cannot accept Donald Trump to become a prestige leader to run our country, he would be the most unqualified president in American history to become our president. Every one of our presidents has had either government or military experience before being sworn in, Mr. Trump, a real estate mogul and former reality-television star, hasn’t severed a day in public office or the armed forces.
The topic I chose to research and discuss is the topic of recruiting and retaining the best employees. I chose this subject because I felt it was important for an employer trying to compete in this very competitive business environment, no matter what the business is, to be able not only hire the best and most qualified employees but retain them and keep them motivated. The ability to distinguish the difference between high performing employees and lower performing employees can be detrimental to a company’s success or failure. In retrospect, this goes back to recruiting and retaining the best employees while avoiding and being able to let go of those of a weaker caliber. Before an organization can thrive in recruitment and retention,
I am interested in becoming an NSM because I believe the program is crucial to incoming new students at Hamline. It’s so important for students who are making the difficult transition to college to have a mentor they feel comfortable with, and I hope to be that resource for students who need it. I know that having a helpful and responsponsible NSM is key to feeling comfortable during the first semester at Hamline, and I enjoy taking care of people who are in need of mental and emotional support. In high school, I was an incoming freshman mentor and enjoyed being a resource for my group of students throughout their freshman year. At college, I would like to continue this, especially because I know the change between high school and college is much more intense than the change between middle school and high school. By mentoring students as an NSM, I would foremost enjoy providing the support
It takes a lot of commitment to be a mentor, an appropriate meeting time needs to be discussed between mentor and mentee so that it doesn't conflict with family, school, and/or social life. Mentors are usually provided for: troubled teens, young children with busy parents that work, children or teens with special needs such as Autism or ADHD, or anyone under or over the age of 18 who needs to have one on one time with someone they trust and can talk to confidentially.