
Transformation Of Revenge In Hamlet

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You do not know how powerful one thing can be, with the help of others, until it makes you crazy. In the story Hamlet, it portrays that Hamlet becomes crazy and wants revenge for his father's death. There are several other stories and movies that are parallel with this statement. Losing someone is hard, and with losing that person comes the transformation of strength for revenge for someone comes intact. Movies and stories that show this are Hamlet itself, The Lion King, and Arrow. Each contains the following tropes: the son of the dead king as a main character, brother/relative of the dead ruler as an antagonist, jilted lover who leaves the main character, and a revenge plot guiding these stories. Hamlet and these other stories show how a character can transform into something stronger. Once Hamlet found out about his father’s murder, he did not become stronger in physical form, but rather mentally. He sets up a plan that would take a long time to develop to get revenge on his father's death (Shakespeare). This is also true with The Lion King, whereas Simba grows stronger physically to get revenge on his uncle and overcome him because he assassinated his father. He grows to be bigger and stronger in order to fight his uncle for the ruling of Pride Rock (Minkoff). The popular TV show, Arrow, is the same way. Oliver Queen’s mother, the mayor, was murdered, giving him a chance to become stronger in avenging this downfall (Nutter). In every case, the lost person

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