
Transgender Discrimination In The United States

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I. What is transgender?
According to Borden (2015), transgender is defined as a person who identifies as the opposite sex assigned to them at birth. In population-based surveys, many transgender people do not identify themselves as such due to fear of past and future experiences of discrimination. In addition, many transgender individuals identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (Gates, 2011). Therefore, there is not an exact estimate of transgender. Also, many transgender individual adults are hiding their gender or gender transition to avoid discrimination; therefore, there is not a precise percentage of how many people identify as such (Smoyak, 2015). However, in the 2007 and 2009 Massachusetts Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Surveys, suggested that 0.5% of adults ages 18 to 64 considered themselves transgender (Conron, Gunner, Stowell, & Landers, 2012); and in the United States, there are 0.3% transgender persons (Gates, 2011). Unfortunately, transgender individuals have experienced many discriminating occurrences throughout time and presently. President of the United States, Barack Obama and his administration have made many strides to improve the future of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Americans. Their focus has been to commit to reducing inequality, discrimination, and engaging with LGBT communities across the U.S. (The White House, n.d.). Although positive changes have transpired since President Obama came into …show more content…

Transgender and Oppression President Obama has been able to achieve many changes within the LGBT community since he came into office. Modifications in laws made by President Obama are a great deal to the transgender community, despite what heterosexual individuals would believe to be minor.
Although there is a lot to be done for this specific community, President Obama appears to be a leader in change for transgender individuals. The following is a timeline of achievements the President has fulfilled during his

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