
Transgender School Controversy

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“What do people think of when they hear the word sociology?” They probably relate it to the word society. Sociology is the study of societies and how they function. A society is made up of different parts, such as education, religion, people, economic, culture and businesses. Many people come from different societies, where they have their own values and beliefs. A big topic of discussion is transgender school children and their use of the restroms. This topic causes a lot of controversy. There is a lot of controversy on which bathroom a transgender student should use at school. In Maine, schools are allowing students to use the bathroom that goes with their gender identity. The transgender population in schools is growing. “Maine has had …show more content…

The school's goal is to provide support and student success. Schools need to provide outside resources as well. In Canadian schools are creating support groups for transgender students. The purpose of these clubs are to promote respect, teach kindness and allow for “safe places” for people to discuss their feelings. Now that we have discussed the issue in Maine and Canada, let’s look at a place outside of Maine, such a Missouri. “In 2015 Missouri encountered the uncertainty that surrounds restroom access for transgender individuals.” (Hayter 2016). A school district in Missouri made the national news in 2015. A transgender student was first given permission to use the restroom that went with their identity, then they were later told no. Missouri has not yet adopted a law that states the status of transgender students in schools. However, cities within Missouri have passed laws that protect transgender in public

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