
Trauma In The Juvenile Justice System

Decent Essays

Youth who come to the attention of the juvenile justice system are often a challenging and underserved population. While not all youth who experience trauma engage in delinquent activity, and vise versa, studies have shown that youth who are involved in the juvenile justice system have found to have higher rates of traumatic experiences. The National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ) reported that 2% of all children are victims of maltreatment, 13% are victims of neglect, and 11% are victims of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse (Ford et al., 2007). NCMHJJ also reports that over 90% of youth involved with the juvenile justice system report having experienced at least one traumatic incident (Ford et al., 2007). In addition, …show more content…

Specific treatments are designed to maximize a youth’s sense of physical and psychological safety, develop coping strategies, and increase a youth’s resilience because reunification with their family is usually the goal. Within NDYCC, the overall concept of trauma informed care should be strongly considered as this placement has the resources as well as the youth have the time to work on their underlying trauma while in a stable, supportive …show more content…

The services necessary for traumatized, delinquent youth can greatly differ. To ensure fair application of procedure throughout the juvenile justice system, authorities representing the legal system have to recognize that they have a responsibility to society and to youths and their families to construct their findings on a full understanding of the role that trauma and victimization play in youths’

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