
Traumatic Experiences And Depression Among Vietnamese Americans

Decent Essays

Since Indochinese refugees started arriving in the United Sates, the main concern have been voiced about consequences of the war and their experiences on their mental health. There haven’t been any studies that examined the complex relationships between psychological traumatic experiences and depression among Vietnamese Americans. Studies on the mental health status of people after traumatic experiences in war, Nazi concentration camps, and natural disasters found that traumatic social and natural events are related to various forms of psychological problems among the victims (Tran, 1993). Most refugees fled from Vietnam to the United States to get away from the horrifying tragic. According to (Kunz, 1973), refugees are “pushed out of” their country, whereas immigrants are “pulled away from” their homeland. Vietnamese respondents in this study were conceived and grew up amid the war, and a significant number of them were specifically included in battle or invested years in death camps, either in comrade detainment facilities or in refugee camps. While others witnessed violent death of family members, or experienced rape, robbery, or starvation as they escaped from Vietnam.
Psychological trauma is a result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless in a dangerous world. As if, Depression (depressive disorder) is an illness that involves with the body, mood, and thoughts. It interferes with normal functioning and causes

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