
Treatment Of Women In Othello

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Women In Society
In Shakespeare's play Othello , women are often represented as pure,while being misunderstood as adulterous because of the men, often leaving them in powerless positions and manipulated by men. Women are viewed as adulterous in society's eyes, but mainly in Othello's eyes because of the lies that were feed to him. Othello believes people’s perception over the truth perception meaning he took Iago's words over Desdemona's. “Was this fair paper, this most goodly book, Made to write “whore”upon? What committed? [Committed? O thou public commoner,” (4.2.82-84). Othello was brought into lies toward his wife. Women are seen differently from the outside as their appearance than the way they act around men because of these judgements women were mistreated without having to speak up. Eventhough. they might be with that one specific guy married or not married women are still not faithful. Men are betrayed by their own wives or at least that is what they are told. …show more content…

“The riches of the ship is come on shore! You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees. Hail to thee, lady, and the grace of heaven” (2.1.93-96). This demonstrated, that women were perceived as angelic and heavenly, Cassio has always shown respect for Desdemona, but cassio is not the only one who shown respect. Othello gets manipulated by Desdemona's beauty and her poetic tone towards him Illustrating Othello has been in a trance to Desdemona's love, but feels guilty because his name calling toward his wife illustrated that he had lost hope for what seemed to be his true

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