
Essay on Treatment Using Stem Cells

Decent Essays

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells, or cells that can differentiate into different cells. Stem cells are often divided into two different classes: embryonic and adult. Adult stem cells can turn into many, but not all, cells, allowing these cells to be used in the treatment of some problems. Because of this, adult stem cells are often considered “multipotent”. Embryonic stem cells can become any type of cell and any organ, creating great optimism in medical fields. Because of this, embryonic stem cells are often considered “ pluripotent”. Although there are great developments that can come out of stem cell research, there exist many problems that concern many, but not necessarily most, people. These include the classic arguments …show more content…

Because of this, the first idea that comes up in order to increase donations is to provide some sort of compensation for the donations. Although compensation could be good and might increase the amount of donations, compensations can act as a reason to cause people who would otherwise not donate to donate, a situation that can and will upset many people. Because of this, federal guidelines have been put in place in order to prevent this from occurring. Because of this, it is necessary that investors freely invest their resources and, in some cases, do not expect for any sort of compensation while understanding the risks. Because this is the case in the United States, there are no problems for investors in the United States.
For the scientists, there are fewer problems. As long as the scientists are freely doing their research, there are no problems for the scientists. If the scientists like their research, then there are no problems for the scientists. As long as scientists freely conduct their research, then there are not problems for the scientists. Because this is the case in the United States, there are no problems for the scientists in the United States.
Finally, there are the issues concerning the embryos. As previously stated, whether or not an embryo can be considered “human” is a classic argument. Although there are many valid arguments on both sides, the argument is focused on and designed for abortion. The embryos

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