
Triennium Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

Presbyterian Youth Triennium is a youth conference held every three years at Purdue University. The event is for those who have recently completed eighth grade through those who graduated on the year it is being held. Presbyteries from not along all over the United States, but also the globe, come together for a week to strengthen one another’s faith. My pastor had spoken to my incredibly small congregation about the option of going to Triennium, and immediately I knew I would go, even if I was the only one. Attending Triennium the summer preceding my freshman year, was a very valuable experience in my life. At Triennium, I gained value through confidence and opening up. Being dropped in a room with twenty-five strangers, all of which whom are older than I was, was beyond frightening, but that is how my experience at Triennium began. Not only did everyone around me look and act different but they also talked differently; at least I was told that I talked differently than they did. Towards the beginning of the week, being labeled as different made me not want to talk. I stayed quiet for most of the week when I was in a small group. The last few days I began to talk a little more each time, and though I spoke different, people commented on the positivity of that difference. On the last day, everyone wrote …show more content…

I gained knowledge on volunteerism through Stop Hunger Now and seeing that it is not difficult in the slightest to make a difference in other people's lives. Through being in a room with strangers for a week, I gained the confidence to speak up for what I believe in. Most importantly, my faith was strengthened by being exposed to others with the same beliefs as me. Triennium may have been my first ministry trip, but a handful have happened in the years since then and numerous more are already

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