
Trifles By Susan Glaspell Essay

Decent Essays

Life is a series of choices and decisions. One makes decisions and makes choices in life in hopes that it will get them where they want to be. One may think that they are making a good choice, or that they have a perception of life that there choice will lead to. Only to find that reality is not so kind. One may feel a sort of desperation and drowning in this life and choose to make a seemingly hard choice, which in reality is their only choice to have a better future than the one they foresee presently. In “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell, one can observe the thought that Mrs. Wright had before marriage about her future, the reality of her present life and future, and the choice she made to have a different future.
One can see through the memories of Mrs. Hale, of how full of life and spirt Minnie Foster was before she had married John Wright. Mrs. Hale recalls Minnie always singing and being pretty “I wish you’d seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress and blue ribbon and stood up there in the choir and sang” (Glaspell 12). One could imagine that Minnie did not envision her life being the way it was when she chose to marry John Wright, instead she may have envisioned being …show more content…

She did not imagine her life would become a life of damnation. One can see this by the way she has been made to change, but more significantly by John Wright killing her bird. Her only tiny piece of joy and happiness. She knows what the rest of her life will be like if she chooses to stay, so instead she chooses to kill him. Any life, even a life in jail, would be better and filled with more joy then the life she is currently bound to. One can see this as Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters find the dead bird and finally come to that conclusion. “If there’d been years and years of nothing, then a bird to sing to you, it would be aweful- still, after the bird was still.’’(Glaspell

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